NAHM Bark Lodge

Led by consultants from Great Lakes Lifeways Institute, SMSC Members and Hoċokata Ṫi staff built a bark lodge in May using traditional materials.

Constructed from elm bark and tamarack poles, the bark lodge will be used to revitalize seasonal lifeways plus provide a space for Community Member gatherings. Bark lodges once were predominant in the landscape along the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers. The Dakota people are well known for living in tipis during the winter, however, the lodges were a more long-term home as part of camps that were active with planting, gathering, and hunting.

While the bark lodge is in a private area of Hoċokata Ṫi, visitors can see a replica and learn more about Dakota lifeways in the Mdewakanton: Dwellers of the Spirit Lake public exhibit.


As one of North America’s first sports, lacrosse was one of the most widely played games in the U.S. before European settlement. The Native game was an athletic competition of great skill, pride, and spiritual significance. Sometimes tribes played lacrosse—or stick ball—to celebrate important milestones, as a healing ritual, or to honor loved ones who passed away.

Dakota Moons

Moon cycles, or the period of time from one full moon to the next, were the basis for the Dakota calendar. These moon cycles provided the Dakota people with a guide to track time for seasonal events, such as peak harvest and hunting times. With guidance from the moons, Dakota people moved seasonally to hunt, harvest, and plant.